How to Make Money from Discord: What Newcomers Need to Know
Discord is a popular social messaging platform that was originally built for gamers to communicate. Now that there are more than 150 million active daily users, an emerging population wants to learn how to make money from Discord. Luckily, there are many opportunities to make money on the platform if you know how. All you need is a little time and the will to learn how to make money on Discord. Here are just a few of the most common.
Ask for and Accept Donations
This is probably one of the easiest and most popular ways to make money from Discord. If you’re an important person in your online community or if you own a server with a substantial following, just ask for donations to support your cause. You can post your the link and encourage your community to support you financially. Connecting a donated bot to your server will accomplish the same thing if you own a server.
Offer a Paid Membership on Your Server
You must own a Discord server to offer a paid membership but building a server is as easy as creating a Facebook group. The other thing you need is a firmly established community on the platform, which could take a little time. Learning how to make money from Discord through a paid membership means converting your free community into paid members. The easiest way to do this is by building another server and offering something of value in exchange for a monthly subscription.
Utilize Advertisements and Sponsorships
Businesses and developers are always looking for ways to get their brand in front of more eyes. One of the most affordable ways to do this is through social media. Many of them will give you free branded products and pay you to use those products in front of your audience as you endorse them. They will also pay you to let them advertise on your server, provided you have at least 500 members or more.
Affiliate Marketing on Discord
Affiliate marketing works just the same on Discord as on a blog or website. Think of the businesses and developers above. They will give you a unique link to display on your server and make sales for them. You will earn a percentage of each sale made using that personal link. Now, affiliate marketing is a special process that needs to be learned so you don’t end up spamming community members, but you can earn a substantial amount of money.
Now You’ve Learned How to Make Money from Discord
So now that you know how to make money from Discord, you can make the platform work for you. While it is an emerging social platform, there are millions of active users. There are many different ways to generate an income on Discord, but these are the easiest and most common. Try one or try them all and have fun managing your new side gig.